
Wednesday, March 16, 2011


The Fighter (2010)
Genre: Drama, Biography, Sport

Director: David O. Russell

Writers: Scott Silver , Paul Tamasy

Stars: Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale and Amy Adams 


My score 3.5/5


By now if you have not heard about ‘The Fighter’ in some way I believe you were in some coma for the last 6 months and missed all the good movie news, award nights and web chatter. If so please note that ‘The Fighter’ is a movie which made huge success and very positive reviews and big time awards like Golden Globe and Oscar was also in its favor. And it was one of the movies which was based on true life events out of few which was making box office and topping up best movie award nominations for 2010. It seems like Hollywood is finding more unique stories out of the real life events year by year and fans like us say ‘wow’ and ponder about the real life people in them more and more. In my case I don’t know how it is to be a boxer or how it is to be living in a small Us town in the 80’s so may not make that much sense knowing it’s a true story but there is some appeal in the whole art of movie making and touching the hearts of the audience. ‘The Fighter’ does is pretty damn well. 

Based on true life events of two brothers Micky and Dicky who are bonded for good and bad and their path to fame in the boxing ring. ‘The Fighter’ has it wonderful moments. Micky played by Mark Wahlberg and Dicky played by Christian Bale who are similar in many ways with long term ambitions but totally different on the other hand who just cannot find a balance in their lives. Micky is an ambitious young boxer who struggles to make some wins and play big time. But he is under the shadow of his controlling mother and brother Dicky who was once a champion but wasted his life without cause for drugs. Micky faces criticism, trouble and humiliation for failure and he takes the blame for himself while Dicky gives himself up for his addiction.  When Micky finally realizes that he need a break from his brother and his family and do something for himself, he makes the move with his newly found girlfriend Charlene. Finding a new trainer and a manager he sets up to train hard and bring some trophies while his family and girlfriend tries to tear him up both ways.

‘The Fighter’ has some several very strong performances. No doubt Mark Wahlberg was dedicated and had concentrated well on his character and even stunning is the performance of Bale. We know Bale for his crazy performances and insane dedication toward his role from the past. I was shocked the when I saw him in ‘The Machinist’ back in 2004. It seems like he did it all over again for portraying Dicky. Simply superb performance which ultimately gave him the best supporting actor at Oscars this year. Even the rest of the cast is well played. Mickys mother Alice and girlfriend Charlene is wonderfully played by Melissa Leo and Amy Adams respectively.

Well-made script and cinematography will quickly push you back in time with great detail and feeling. David O. Russell doesn’t ring much bells as a director other than one of my all-time favorite ‘Three Kings’ (1999). However here he has made his strong mark in the silver screen.

But there are few reasons which I will note rate is as a must watch movie. The lead character at times looks like the supporting roll. Dicky takes more audience than Micky and the story go out of balance maybe. It’s not a big issue as such but it should not be like that. And at times some scenes are just too chaotic and becomes a struggle between characters. If you had a boxing movie in mind this is not exactly what it will deliver. I would like it more if the real boxing had more weight comparatively to the troublesome life of Micky and Dicky. Well that’s how I feel.


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